
Lead poisoning: What parents should know and do

Peeling pieces of paint arranged to spell the word lead; concept is lead poisoning

You may have heard recent news reports about a company that knowingly sold defective lead testing machines that tested tens of thousands of children between 2013 and 2017. Or wondered about lead in tap water after the widely reported problems with lead-contaminated water in Flint, Michigan. Reports like these are reminders that parents need to be aware of lead — and do everything they can to keep their children safe.

How is lead a danger to health?

Lead is poisonous to the brain and nervous system, even in small amounts. There really is no safe level of lead in the blood. We particularly worry about children under the age of 6. Not only are their brains actively developing, but young children commonly touch lots of things — and put their hands in their mouths. Children who are exposed to lead can have problems with learning, understanding, and behavior that may be permanent.

How do children get exposed to lead?

In the US, lead used to be far more ubiquitous than it is now, particularly in paint and gas. Yet children can be exposed to lead in many ways.

  • Lead paint. In houses built before 1978, lead paint can sometimes be under other paint, and is most commonly found on windowsills or around doors. If there is peeling paint, children can sometimes ingest it. Dust from old paint can land on the floor or other surfaces that children touch with their hands (and then put their hands in their mouths). If there was ever lead paint on the outside of a house, it can sometimes be in the dirt around a house.
  • Leaded gas. While leaded gas was outlawed in 1996, its use is still allowed in aircraft, farm equipment, racing cars, and marine engines.
  • Water passing through lead pipes. Lead can be found in the water of older houses that have lead pipes.
  • Other sources. Lead can also be found in some imported toys, candles, jewelry, and traditional medicines. Some parents may have exposure at work or through hobbies and bring it home on their hands or clothing. Examples include working in demolition of older houses, making things using lead solder, or having exposure to lead bullets at a firing range.

What can parents do to protect children from lead?

First, know about possible exposures.

  • If you have an older home, get it inspected for lead if you haven’t done so already. (If you rent, federal law requires landlords to disclose known lead-based paint hazards when you sign a lease.) Inspection is particularly important if you are planning renovations, which often create dust and debris that increase the risk of exposure. Your local health department can give you information about how to do this testing. If there is lead in your home, don’t try to remove it yourself! It needs to be done carefully, by a qualified professional, to be safe.
  • Talk to your local health department about getting the water in your house tested. Even if your house is new, there can sometimes be older pipes in the water system. Using a water filter and taking other steps can reduce or eliminate lead in tap water.
  • If you have an older home and live in an urban area, there can be lead in the soil. You may want to have the soil around your house tested for lead. Don’t let your child play in bare soil, and be sure they take off their shoes before coming in the house and wash their hands after being outside.
  • Learn about lead in foods, cosmetics, and traditional medications.
  • Learn about lead in toys, jewelry, and plastics (yet another reason to limit your child’s exposure to plastic).

Second, talk to your pediatrician about whether your child should have a blood test to check for lead poisoning. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends:

  • Assessing young children for risk of exposure at all checkups between 6 months and 6 years of age, and
  • Testing children if a risk is identified, particularly at 12 and 24 months. Living in an old home, or in a community with lots of older homes, counts as a risk. Given that low levels of lead exposure that can lead to lifelong problems do not cause symptoms, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If there is any chance that your child might have an exposure, get them tested.

How is childhood lead exposure treated?

If your child is found to have lead in their blood, the most important next step is to figure out the exposure — and get rid of it. Once the child is no longer exposed, the lead level will go down, although it does so slowly.

Iron deficiency makes the body more vulnerable to lead poisoning. If your child has an iron deficiency it should be treated, but usually medications aren’t used unless lead levels are very high. In those cases, special medications called chelators are used to help pull the lead out of the blood.

For more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website on lead poisoning prevention.

About the Author

photo of Claire McCarthy, MD

Claire McCarthy, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Claire McCarthy, MD, is a primary care pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital, and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In addition to being a senior faculty editor for Harvard Health Publishing, Dr. McCarthy … See Full Bio View all posts by Claire McCarthy, MD


Apps to accelerometers: Can technology improve mental health in older adults?

photo of a visiting nurse and a senior patient in the person's kitchen at home; nurse is showing how to book an online appointment using a smartphone

It can be devastating to watch older adults struggle with memory problems, low mood, anxiety, or a lack of motivation, particularly during times of physical distancing. With waiting lists for mental health appointments stretching for months, you may be wondering about alternatives.

Reaching out to family members or faith leaders may be helpful in talking through stressors. Alternatively, self-help books may provide skills or a new perspective for older adults choosing to keep their struggles private. But with the explosion of mental health mobile applications, telepsychiatry services, social media, and wearable technologies, where does technology fit in with treatment?

Combating ageist stereotypes

Seeing your loved one struggle with their computer, you may wonder whether to pursue technology-based treatments in the first place. Although older adults may be reluctant to use new technology due to stereotype threat (the fear of confirming negative stereotypes), a little help from loved ones can ease technology discomfort. The adoption of technology has grown rapidly over the past decade among older adults, and with it have come potential benefits to mental health, daily functioning, and quality of life.

Moving to virtual

A couple of years into the pandemic, older adults are increasingly seeing their doctors virtually. How well does this work for mental health? Thankfully, several studies have shown that virtual therapy is comparable to in-person treatment.

What about mobile apps that remove the human component? Here the data suggest that mobile apps can be complementary, although they are not sufficient as standalone treatments for mental illnesses.


When navigating online treatments, you want to ensure that the platform used is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)-compliant, which means your information is protected by law. Zoom and BlueJeans are HIPAA compliant; FaceTime and Skype are not. When using mental health mobile apps, read the privacy policies: red flags include sharing or selling information to third parties and using your information for advertisements.

Which apps can help older adults the most?

Navigating the explosion of mental health apps for online treatment can be tricky, as the landscape is changing quickly. For teletherapy services, Teladoc, K health, and Doctor on Demand are good places to start.

To supplement treatment of common mental illnesses, wellness apps developed by the federal government (including Mindfulness Coach, COVID Coach, and CBT-i Coach) can help teach skills, manage sleep, and track symptoms. Medisafe is the top-ranked medication reminder app for good reason: it has excellent privacy features (and with the premium subscription, you can receive medication reminders in celebrity voices).

Movement and mental health

We know that physical activity has numerous benefits on brain health in old age: it reduces anxiety and stress, it improves depressive symptoms, and it even strengthens learning and memory. Wearable technologies can play a role in helping older adults set physical activity goals. Through the use of smartwatches (which use accelerometers to keep track of movements), older adults can monitor how many steps they take, how many calories they burn, and even how well they sleep at night.

Wearable technologies have advantages for caregivers as well. They can be used to monitor their loved ones for wandering and falls, and they can alert them to changes in mood: a significant increase or decrease in usual activity levels may herald early signs of depression or anxiety.

Can smartphones be used to improve memory in older adults?

New research suggests that technology can indeed improve prospective memory, and help older adults with mild cognitive impairment continue their daily activities. Through the use of a personal assistant application on their smartphone (a digital voice recorder or reminder app), older adults who received reminders about events and activities experienced memory benefits and improvements in their activities of daily living.

Tips for using technology with older adults

While the benefits and harms of using technologies are still being studied, you can try the following:

  • Encourage older adults to try out applications that are research-informed, especially if they express interest.
  • If using a mobile health app, make sure to read the privacy policy. If using an online mental health platform, ensure it is HIPAA-compliant.
  • Try to set physical activity goals, as physical activity helps improve symptoms of almost every mental illness. Wearable technologies that count steps are a good place to start.
  • Modify device settings to improve comfort: this can include optimizing volume and font size to accommodate changes in vision or hearing.

If mental health technology doesn’t suit your loved one, that’s okay — technology is not always the answer. Treatments are most likely to work when patients believe it will help and can stick with it.

About the Author

photo of Stephanie Collier, MD, MPH

Stephanie Collier, MD, MPH, Contributor; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Stephanie Collier is the director of education in the division of geriatric psychiatry at McLean Hospital; consulting psychiatrist for the population health management team at Newton-Wellesley Hospital; and instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Stephanie Collier, MD, MPH


Considering collagen drinks and supplements?

A red-colored drink being poured from a bottle into a glass with ice; concept is collagen drinks

A tremendous buzz surrounds collagen drinks and supplements, as celebrities and influencers tout miraculous benefits for skin, hair, and nails. Since the collagen in our bodies provides crucial support for these tissues, it seems plausible that consuming collagen might lead to lush locks and a youthful glow. But what does the science say?

What is collagen?

Collagen is a major structural protein in our tissues. It’s found in skin, hair, nails, tendons, cartilage, and bones. Collagen works with other substances, such as hyaluronic acid and elastin, to maintain skin elasticity, volume, and moisture. It also helps make up proteins such as keratin that form skin, hair, and nails.

Our bodies naturally produce collagen using the amino acids from protein-rich or collagen-rich foods like bone broth, meat, and fish. But aging, sun damage, smoking, and alcohol consumption all decrease collagen production.

Collagen drinks and supplements often contain collagen from many different sources, such as fish, cattle, pigs, or chicken. Typically, they contain peptides, short chains of amino acids that help make up essential proteins in the body, including collagen itself and keratin.

What does the science say about collagen drinks and supplements?

Research on skin includes:

  • A review and analysis of 19 studies, published in the International Journal of Dermatology, that had a total of 1,125 participants. Those who used collagen supplements saw an improvement in the firmness, suppleness, and moisture content of the skin, with wrinkles appearing less noticeable. That sounds promising, but it’s unclear if these skin improvements were actually due to collagen. Most of the trials used commercially available supplements that contained more than collagen: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate were among the additional ingredients.
  • A few randomized, controlled trials (see here and here) show that drinking collagen supplements with high amounts of the peptides prolylhydroxyproline and hydroxyprolylglycine can improve skin moisture, elasticity, wrinkles, and roughness. But large, high-quality studies are needed to learn whether commercially available products are helpful and safe to use long-term.

Hardly any evidence supports the use of collagen to enhance hair and nails. One small 2017 study of 25 people with brittle nails found that taking 2.5 grams of collagen daily for 24 weeks improved brittleness and nail growth. However, this small study had no control group taking a placebo to compare with the group receiving collagen supplements.

There haven’t been any studies in humans examining the benefits of collagen supplementation for hair. Currently, no medical evidence supports marketing claims that collagen supplements or drinks can improve hair growth, shine, volume, and thickness.

Should you try collagen supplements or drinks?

At this time, there isn’t enough proof that taking collagen pills or consuming collagen drinks will make a difference in skin, hair, or nails. Our bodies cannot absorb collagen in its whole form. To enter the bloodstream, it must be broken down into peptides so it can be absorbed through the gut.

These peptides may be broken down further into the building blocks that make proteins like keratin that help form skin, hair, and nails. Or the peptides may form collagen that gets deposited in other parts of the body, such as cartilage, bone, muscles, or tendons. Thus far, no human studies have clearly proven that collagen you take orally will end up in your skin, hair, or nails.

If your goal is to improve skin texture and elasticity and minimize wrinkles, you’re better off focusing on sun protection and using topical retinoids. Extensive research has already demonstrated that these measures are effective.

If you choose to try collagen supplements or drinks, review the list of ingredients and the protein profile. Avoid supplements with too many additives or fillers. Products containing high quantities of prolylhydroxyproline and hydroxyprolylglycine are better at reducing wrinkles and improving the moisture content of skin.

Consult your doctor before starting any new supplements. People who are prone to gout or have other medical conditions that require them to limit protein should not use collagen supplements or drinks.

The bottom line

Large-scale trials evaluating the benefits of oral collagen supplements for skin and hair health are not available. If you’re concerned about thinning or lackluster hair, brittle nails, or keeping skin smooth and healthy, talk to your doctor or a dermatologist for advice on the range of options.

It will also help to:

  • Follow a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet that includes protein-rich foods.
  • If you smoke, quit.
  • Limit alcohol to two drinks or less in a day for men or one drink or less in a day for women.
  • Apply sunscreen daily and remember to reapply every two hours.
  • Wear wide-brimmed or UV-protective hats and clothing when you’re spending a lot of time in the sun.

Follow Payal Patel on Twitter @PayalPatelMD

Follow Maryanne Makredes Senna on Twitter @HairWithDrMare

About the Authors

photo of Payal Patel, MD

Payal Patel, MD, Contributor

Dr. Payal Patel is a dermatology research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her clinical and research interests include autoimmune disease and procedural dermatology. She is part of the Cutaneous Biology Research Center, where she investigates medical … See Full Bio View all posts by Payal Patel, MD photo of Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD

Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD, Contributor

Dr. Maryanne Makredes Senna is a board-certified dermatologist at at Beth Israel Lahey Health, and assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Senna founded and directs the Lahey Hair Loss Center of Excellence and … See Full Bio View all posts by Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD


Helping children who are neurodiverse build friendships

Three children with their bikes in a park with large green-leafed trees; the children, who are neurodiverse, are wearing helmets and grouped in a friendly way

Making friends and finding social opportunities can sometimes be difficult, particularly for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or an intellectual disability. Here’s what parents can do to help.

Building inclusive communities

Friendships and social connections are an important aspect of our lives. They provide a sense of belonging and allow people to be included in their communities.

People with neurodevelopmental disabilities may communicate, learn, and behave differently. Sometimes these differences make it harder than usual to develop friendships and participate in social activities.

But parents and others can help create more inclusive communities and opportunities to build social relationships, especially for people with neurodiverse abilities.

Below are some tips and strategies to help children learn and develop the social and emotional skills they need to make friends.

Practice at home: Tips for common social situations

Navigating social settings and making friends involve many skills you can practice with children at home.

  • Greetings and questions. Make a habit of practicing greetings throughout the day. Model good listening for your child, and take turns asking and answering conversation starters like, “How are you?”
  • Calm body movements. Sometimes it can be hard for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities to keep a calm body. Have your child practice giving their body enough room and keeping personal space between themselves and others by using an arm’s-length distance.
  • Appropriate level of voice. Encourage your child to listen and match the level of your voice. Imagine your voice has a volume dial and practice turning the volume up and down.
  • Eye contact. Looking directly into someone’s eyes can be difficult, so help your child instead look at different parts of your face or practice looking at their own eyes in the mirror.
  • Reading and responding to social signals. People regularly communicate using more than just words. Social signals are the variety of ways in which we communicate through body language and facial expressions. Often this can be tricky to detect for children who are neurodiverse. Help your child recognize common social signals by asking what someone’s body or face might be saying.

Rerouting challenging behaviors to help children build friendships

Challenging behaviors may get in the way of making and keeping friends. It is important to address challenging behaviors like impulsivity and aggression through therapies and programming. Additionally, practicing the following fundamental skills can help reduce challenging behaviors.

  • Patience. Learning how to wait for a turn to play or a time to speak in a conversation is an important social skill. Practice waiting with a timer, gradually building up from 10 seconds, to one minute, to five minutes.
  • Flexibility. Help your child make compromises using first/then statements, such as, “First we play your way, then my way.” Model flexible play and redirect with new toys to show how play can evolve.
  • Communicating strong emotions.Handling strong feelings can be difficult sometimes. Practice communicating these feelings effectively either by asking for help, using an emotions board, or taking a break.

How to throw a wide net socially

Encouraging social opportunities is an important part of supporting friendships and social relationships for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Social spaces offer chances for children who are neurodiverse to find activities they enjoy. They are able to practice the social and emotional skills they are learning and even meet other children practicing these same skills.

  • Structure and organize play dates. Set up the environment before a play date by making a list of activities to do with a friend, then picking out of a hat which activities to do and in what order.
  • Make a list of things that are fun to do and invite others to join. Look for free or low-cost programs or events out in the community.
  • Connect with other parents of children with disabilities. Set up an activity for your children like an ice cream date, going on a walk, or a game night with adults and kids together. These encounters can give rise to repeat, planned social interactions.
  • Check out organizations in the community for children with disabilities, like Special Olympics, or recreational programs that foster inclusive environments through Unified Sports.
  • Look into facilitated recreational activities like a Lego club or pizza parties with teachers. Plan to bring a support person if needed.

Your child’s doctor or teacher may be able to suggest additional community or web-based resources designed to help families support friendships for children with neurodiverse abilities.

About the Authors

photo of Sydney Reynders, ScB

Sydney Reynders, ScB, Contributor

Sydney Reynders, ScB, is a clinical research coordinator in the Boston Children’s Hospital Down Syndrome Program. She assists in research investigating educational, behavioral, and medical interventions in Down syndrome and other neurodevelopmental disorders. She received her … See Full Bio View all posts by Sydney Reynders, ScB photo of Nicole Baumer, MD, MEd

Nicole Baumer, MD, MEd, Contributor

Nicole Baumer, MD, MEd is a child neurologist/neurodevelopmental disabilities specialist at Boston Children's Hospital, and an instructor in neurology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Baumer is director of the Boston Children's Hospital Down Syndrome Program. She … See Full Bio View all posts by Nicole Baumer, MD, MEd


Preventable liver disease is rising: What you eat — and avoid — counts

A word cloud on fatty liver disease; risk factors, such as alcohol and high fat diet, appear in different colors

In today’s fast-paced world, our waking hours are filled with decisions — often surrounding what to eat. After a long day, dinner could well be fast food or takeout. While you may worry about the toll food choices take on your waistline or blood pressure, as a liver specialist, I also want to put fatty liver disease on your radar.

One variant, officially called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), now affects one in four adults globally. Sometimes it progresses to extensive scarring known as cirrhosis, liver failure, and higher risk for liver cancer. The good news? Fatty liver disease can be prevented or reversed.

What is fatty liver disease?

Fatty liver disease is a condition caused by irritation to the liver. Liver tissue accumulates abnormal amounts of fat in response to that injury. Viral hepatitis, certain medicines (like tamoxifen or steroids, for example), or ingesting too much alcohol can all cause fatty liver disease.

However, NAFLD has a different trigger for fat deposits in the liver: a group of metabolic risk factors. NAFLD is most common in people who have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insulin resistance (prediabetes), or type 2 diabetes. It is also common among people who are overweight or obese, though it is possible to develop NAFLD even if your body mass index (BMI) is normal.

What helps prevent or reverse NAFLD?

Diet can play a huge role. Because NAFLD is so closely tied to metabolic health, eating more healthfully can help prevent or possibly even reverse it. A good example of a healthful eating pattern is the Mediterranean diet.

Overweight or obesity is a common cause of NAFLD. A weight loss program that includes activity and healthy eating can help control blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. Among the many healthful diet plans that help are the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist if you need help choosing a plan.

To vigorously study any diet as a treatment for fatty liver disease, researchers must control many factors. Currently, no strong evidence supports one particular diet over another. However, the research below highlights choices to promote a healthy liver.

Avoid fast food

A recent study in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology linked regular fast-food consumption (20% or more of total daily calories) with fatty liver disease — especially in people who had type 2 diabetes or obesity. Fast foods tend to be high in saturated fats, added sugar, and other ingredients that affect metabolic health.

Steer clear of soft drinks and added sugars

Soft drinks with high-fructose corn syrup, or other sugar-sweetened beverages, lead directly to large increases in liver fat deposits, independent of the total calories consumed. Read labels closely for added sugars, including corn syrup, dextrose, honey, and agave.

Instead of sugary drinks, sip plain water. Black coffee or with a splash of cream is also a good pick; research suggests coffee has the potential to decrease liver scarring.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol directly damages the liver, lacks nutritional value, and may affect a healthy microbiome. If you have NAFLD, it’s best to avoid any extra cause for liver injury. We simply do not know what amount of alcohol is safe for those with fatty liver disease — even social drinking may be too much.

Eat mostly whole foods

Vegetables, berries, eggs, poultry, grass-fed meats, nuts, and whole grains all qualify, but cutting out red meat may be wise. An 18-month trial enrolled 294 people with abdominal obesity and lipid imbalances such as high triglycerides. Regular activity was encouraged, and participants were randomly assigned to one of three diets: standard healthy dietary guidelines, a traditional Mediterranean diet, or a green-Mediterranean diet. (The green-Med diet nixed red and processed meats and added green tea and a dinner replacement shake rich in antioxidants called polyphenols.)

All three groups lost some weight, although the Mediterranean diet groups lost more weight and kept it off for a longer period. Both Mediterranean diet groups also showed reduced liver fat at the end of 18 months, but liver fat decreased twice as much in the green-Med group as in the traditional Mediterranean diet group.

Healthy fats are part of a healthy diet

We all need fat. Dietary fats help your body absorb vitamins and are vital in the protection of nerves and cells. Fats also help you feel satisfied and full, so you’re less likely to overeat. Low-fat foods often substitute sugars and starches, which affect blood sugar regulation in our bodies. But all fat is not created equal.

It’s clear that Mediterranean-style diets can help decrease liver fat, thus helping to prevent or possibly reverse NAFLD. These diets are high in healthful fats, such as monounsaturated fats found in olive oil and avocados and omega-3 fats found in walnuts and oily fish like salmon and sardines.

With so many choices, it’s hard to know where to start in the healthy eating journey. Let’s strive to eat whole foods in their natural state. Our livers will thank us for it.

About the Author

photo of Kathleen Viveiros, MD

Kathleen Viveiros, MD, Contributor

Dr. Kathleen Viveiros is a clinical hepatologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital who sees patients in Boston and in Foxborough and Westwood, MA. She is an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School. Her professional interests … See Full Bio View all posts by Kathleen Viveiros, MD


A muscle-building obsession in boys: What to know and do

A shadowy, heavily-muscled superhero in a red cape strikes an action pose against a red and orange background; concept is body dysmorphic disorder

By the time boys are 8 or 10, they’re steeped in Marvel action heroes with bulging, oversized muscles and rock-hard abs. By adolescence, they’re deluged with social media streams of bulked-up male bodies.

The underlying messages about power and worth prompt many boys to worry and wonder about how to measure up. Sometimes, negative thoughts and concerns even interfere with daily life, a mental health issue known body dysmorphic disorder, or body dysmorphia. The most common form of this in boys is muscle dysmorphia.

What is muscle dysmorphia?

Muscle dysmorphia is marked by preoccupation with a muscular and lean physique. While the more extreme behaviors that define this disorder appear only in a small percentage of boys and young men, it may color the mindset of many more.

Nearly a quarter of boys and young men engage in some type of muscle-building behaviors. “About 60% of young boys in the United States mention changing their diet to become more muscular,” says Dr. Gabriela Vargas, director of the Young Men’s Health website at Boston Children’s Hospital. “While that may not meet the diagnostic criteria of muscle dysmorphia disorder, it’s impacting a lot of young men.”

“There’s a social norm that equates muscularity with masculinity,” Dr. Vargas adds. “Even Halloween costumes for 4- and 5-year-old boys now have padding for six-pack abs. There’s constant messaging that this is what their bodies should look like.”

Does body dysmorphic disorder differ in boys and girls?

Long believed to be the domain of girls, body dysmorphia can take the form of eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. Technically, muscle dysmorphia is not an eating disorder. But it is far more pervasive in males — and insidious.

“The common notion is that body dysmorphia just affects girls and isn’t a male issue,” Dr. Vargas says. “Because of that, these unhealthy behaviors in boys often go overlooked.”

What are the signs of body dysmorphia in boys?

Parents may have a tough time discerning whether their son is merely being a teen or veering into dangerous territory. Dr. Vargas advises parents to look for these red flags:

  • Marked change in physical routines, such as going from working out once a day to spending hours working out every day.
  • Following regimented workouts or meals, including limiting the foods they’re eating or concentrating heavily on high-protein options.
  • Disrupting normal activities, such as spending time with friends, to work out instead.
  • Obsessively taking photos of their muscles or abdomen to track “improvement.”
  • Weighing himself multiple times a day.
  • Dressing to highlight a more muscular physique, or wearing baggier clothes to hide their physique because they don’t think it’s good enough.

“Nearly everyone has been on a diet,” Dr. Vargas says. “The difference with this is persistence — they don’t just try it for a week and then decide it’s not for them. These boys are doing this for weeks to months, and they’re not flexible in changing their behaviors.”

What are the health dangers of muscle dysmorphia in boys?

Extreme behaviors can pose physical and mental health risks.

For example, unregulated protein powders and supplements boys turn to in hopes of quickly bulking up muscles may be adulterated with stimulants or even anabolic steroids. “With that comes an increased risk of stroke, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and liver injury,” notes Dr. Vargas.

Some boys also attempt to gain muscle through a “bulk and cut” regimen, with periods of rapid weight gain followed by periods of extreme calorie limitation. This can affect long-term muscle and bone development and lead to irregular heartbeat and lower testosterone levels.

“Even in a best-case scenario, eating too much protein can lead to a lot of intestinal distress, such as diarrhea, or to kidney injury, since our kidneys are not meant to filter out excessive amounts of protein,” Dr. Vargas says.

The psychological fallout can also be dramatic. Depression and suicidal thoughts are more common in people who are malnourished, which may occur when boys drastically cut calories or neglect entire food groups. Additionally, as they try to achieve unrealistic ideals, they may constantly feel like they’re not good enough.

How can parents encourage a healthy body image in boys?

These tips can help:

  • Gather for family meals. Schedules can be tricky. Yet considerable research shows physical and mental health benefits flow from sitting down together for meals, including a greater likelihood of children being an appropriate weight for their body type.
  • Don’t comment on body shape or size. “It’s a lot easier said than done, but this means your own body, your child’s, or others in the community,” says Dr. Vargas.
  • Frame nutrition and exercise as meaningful for health. When you talk with your son about what you eat or your exercise routine, don’t tie hoped-for results to body shape or size.
  • Communicate openly. “If your son says he wants to exercise more or increase his protein intake, ask why — for his overall health, or a specific body ideal?”
  • Don’t buy protein supplements. It’s harder for boys to obtain them when parents won’t allow them in the house. “One alternative is to talk with your son’s primary care doctor or a dietitian, who can be a great resource on how to get protein through regular foods,” Dr. Vargas says.

About the Author

photo of Maureen Salamon

Maureen Salamon, Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch

Maureen Salamon is executive editor of Harvard Women’s Health Watch. She began her career as a newspaper reporter and later covered health and medicine for a wide variety of websites, magazines, and hospitals. Her work has … See Full Bio View all posts by Maureen Salamon

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Howard LeWine, M.D., is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD


Babesiosis: A tick-borne illness on the rise

A red and black adult deer tick climbing a blade of green grass with blurred grass in the background.

You may be familiar with Lyme disease, a bacterial infection from the bite of an infected black-legged tick. While Lyme disease is the most commonly reported tick-borne illness in the United States, another is on the rise: babesiosis. A March 2023 CDC report shows that babesiosis now has a foothold in 10 states in the Northeast and Midwest.

What is babesiosis?

Babesiosis is an illness caused by a parasite (typically Babesia microti) that infects red blood cells. It is spread by infected black-legged ticks (deer ticks). In most cases, the tick must be attached to a person for at least 36 hours to transmit the parasite.

What are the signs and symptoms of babesiosis?

“You may or may not see the tick bite mark on your skin, so your symptoms may be the earliest sign of an infection,” says Dr. Nancy A. Shadick, a rheumatologist and director of the Lyme Disease Prevention Program at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Some people with babesiosis experience no symptoms, but the most common symptoms are a combination of

  • severe flulike symptoms such as a high fever (up to 104° F), chills, and sweats, particularly night sweats
  • general discomfort or feeling unwell
  • intense headache
  • muscle and joint pain
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • fatigue.

These symptoms can appear within one to nine weeks, or even several months after a person has been infected.

Less often, babesiosis causes hemolytic anemia. In this form of anemia, red blood cells are destroyed faster than the body can replace them. Signs and symptoms include

  • fatigue
  • dizziness
  • weakness
  • dark urine
  • yellowing skin and whites of the eyes.

Babesiosis can be a severe, life-threatening disease, particularly for adults over age 65 and people with weakened immune systems, such as people without a spleen and those receiving biological therapy or chemotherapy.

Why are cases of babesiosis rising?

Until recently, babesiosis was endemic (consistently present) in seven states: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.

However, the CDC report added three more Northeastern states to the list — Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont — where case rates between 2011 and 2019 matched or even surpassed the other seven states. Vermont cases rose from two to 34, Maine cases from nine to 138, and New Hampshire cases from 13 to 78. The trend is worrisome.

There are several reasons for the rise in babesiosis. “One is warming temperatures driven by climate change, which cause ticks to be more active earlier in the spring and later in the fall,” says Dr. Shadick. Other contributors are an increase in the number of whitetail deer and a rise in housing construction in wooded areas.

How is this tick-borne illness diagnosed and treated?

Babesiosis is diagnosed by a blood test.

It may be treated with specific antibiotics (different than those used for Lyme disease), or with an antibiotic and antimalarial medication. While treatment usually takes seven to 10 days, a longer course may be recommended for people who are immunocompromised.

Can you get Lyme disease and babesiosis?

Yes, though you may also get either one by itself. Some black-legged ticks that carry the Lyme bacterium (Borrelia burgdorferi) also may carry the Babesia parasite, according to Dr. Shadick. “Lyme disease also shares similar symptoms with babesiosis, such as fever, headache, and fatigue,” she says.

How can you prevent tick-borne illnesses?

Tick exposure can occur year-round, but ticks are most active during warmer months. Most cases of babesiosis occur from late spring through early autumn.

Ticks live in grassy, brushy, or wooded areas. Almost any outdoor activity can expose you or your pets to infected ticks, such as camping, walking your dog, and gardening.

To avoid babesiosis and other tick-borne diseases, the CDC offers these tips:

  • Use insect repellents recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), para-menthane-diol (PMD), or 2-undecanone. Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin. Permethrin can treat boots, clothing, and camping gear and remain protective through several washings.
  • Wear light-colored pants and long-sleeved shirts and a hat during outdoor activities.
  • Try to avoid wooded and brushy areas with high grass and leaf litter. Walk in the center of trails.
  • Check clothing, pets, backpacks, and gear for ticks after spending time outdoors.
  • When you come indoors, remove shoes and put clothes in the dryer on high heat for 10 minutes to kill ticks.
  • To remove a tick, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick, as this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. Clean the bite area with rubbing alcohol or soap and water. Shower within two hours after coming indoors to help remove any unattached ticks. Use the opportunity for a full-body tick check.

For in-depth information about preventing, treating, and living with a tick-borne illness like Lyme disease or babesiosis, see the Lyme Wellness Initiative at Harvard Health Publishing.

About the Author

photo of Matthew Solan

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch

Matthew Solan is the executive editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. He previously served as executive editor for UCLA Health’s Healthy Years and as a contributor to Duke Medicine’s Health News and Weill Cornell Medical College’s … See Full Bio View all posts by Matthew Solan

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Howard LeWine, M.D., is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD


Is snuff really safer than smoking?

An open tin of dark brown smokeless tobacco known as snuff on right; fingers of a hand cupping pouches of snuff on left

Snuff is a smokeless tobacco similar to chewing tobacco. It rarely makes headlines. But it certainly did when the FDA authorized a brand of snuff to market its products as having a major health advantage over cigarettes. Could this be true? Is it safe to use snuff?

What did the FDA authorize as a health claim?

Here’s the approved language for Copenhagen Classic Snuff:

If you smoke, consider this: switching completely to this product from cigarettes reduces risk of lung cancer.

While the statement is true, this FDA action — and the marketing that’s likely to follow — might suggest snuff is a safe product. It’s not. Let’s talk about the rest of the story.

What is snuff, anyway?

Snuff is a form of tobacco that’s finely ground. There are two types:

  • Moist snuff. Users place a pinch or a pouch of tobacco behind their upper or lower lips or between their cheek and gum. They must repeatedly spit out or swallow the tobacco juice that accumulates. After a few minutes, they remove or spit out the tobacco as well. This recent FDA action applies to a brand of moist snuff.
  • Dry snuff. This type is snorted (inhaled through the nose) and is less common in the US.

Both types are available in an array of scents and flavors. Users absorb nicotine and other chemicals into the bloodstream through the lining of the mouth. Blood levels of nicotine are similar between smokers and snuff users. But nicotine stays in the blood for a longer time with snuff users.

Why is snuff popular?

According to CDC statistics, 5.7 million adults in the US regularly use smokeless tobacco products — that’s about 2% of the adult population. A similar percentage (1.6%) of high school students use it as well. That’s despite restrictions on youth marketing and sales.

What accounts for its popularity?

  • Snuff may be allowed in places that prohibit smoking.
  • It tends to cost less than cigarettes: $300 to $1,000 a year versus several thousand dollars a year paid by some smokers.
  • It doesn’t require inhaling smoke into the lungs, or exposing others to secondhand smoke.
  • Snuff is safer than cigarettes in at least one way — it is less likely to cause lung cancer.
  • It may help some cigarette smokers quit.

The serious health risks of snuff

While the risk of lung cancer is lower compared with cigarettes, snuff has plenty of other health risks, including

  • higher risk of cancers of the mouth (such as the tongue, gums, and cheek), esophagus, and pancreas
  • higher risk of heart disease and stroke
  • harm to the developing teenage brain
  • dental problems, such as discoloration of teeth, gum disease, tooth damage, bone loss around the teeth, tooth loosening or loss
  • higher risk of premature birth and stillbirth among pregnant users.

And because nicotine is addictive, using any tobacco product can quickly become a habit that’s hard to break.

There are also the “ick” factors: bad breath and having to repeatedly spit out tobacco juice.

Could this new marketing message about snuff save lives?

Perhaps, if many smokers switch to snuff and give up smoking. That could reduce the number of people who develop smoking-related lung cancer. It might even reduce harms related to secondhand smoke.

But it’s also possible the new marketing message will attract nonsmokers, including teens, who weren’t previously using snuff. A bigger market for snuff products might boost health risks for many people, rather than lowering them.

The new FDA action is approved for a five-year period, and the company must monitor its impact. Is snuff an effective way to help smokers quit? Is a lower rate of lung cancer canceled out by a rise in other health risks? We don’t know yet. If the new evidence shows more overall health risks than benefits for snuff users compared with smokers, this new marketing authorization may be reversed.

The bottom line

If you smoke, concerns you have about lung cancer or other smoking-related health problems are justified. But snuff should not be the first choice to help break the smoking habit. Commit to quit using safer options that don’t involve tobacco, such as nicotine gum or patches, counseling, and medications.

While the FDA’s decision generated news headlines that framed snuff as safer than smoking, it’s important to note that the FDA did not endorse the use of snuff — or even suggest that snuff is a safe product. Whether smoked or smokeless, tobacco creates enormous health burdens and suffering. Clearly, it’s best not to use any tobacco product.

Until we have a better understanding of its impact, I think any new marketing of this sort should also make clear that using snuff comes with other important health risks — even if lung cancer isn’t the biggest one.

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling

About the Author

photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD


Drug recalls are common

Multicolored pills, tablets, and gel medicines spilling onto a bright yellow background and surrounded by emptied silver blister packs for medications

Scientific advances have brought us scores of new drugs in recent years. In the US, one major agency — the FDA — is responsible for making sure that the drugs they approve are safe and effective. Yet there were more than 14,000 drug recalls in the last 10 years, according to FDA statistics. That averages out to nearly four drug recalls a day!

Why are drug recalls so common, and how can you maximize safety when taking the medicines you need?

Why do so many drug recalls occur?

The FDA approves prescription drugs if research shows a medicine is safe and effective. Usually the risks are well known by the time approval is granted. For over-the-counter drugs, the bar is lower: proof that they work is not required, but the FDA still maintains oversight for safety.

Drug recalls are common because:

  • Rare side effects may be missed in clinical trials. Studies leading to drug approval might have hundreds or thousands of study subjects. But a rare problem may not be detected until tens of thousands of people have taken a drug.
  • Study subjects tend to be healthier than the general population. When you’re trying to figure out if a drug works, the chances of success are higher and reliability of results is greater if study subjects are healthy. Once a drug is approved, people taking it may be older, less healthy, or taking multiple drugs for health issues.
  • Problems during or after manufacturing can make a safe drug harmful. Examples include bacterial contamination, incorrect labeling, and improper storage.
  • Bad behavior by drug makers may affect drug safety. For example, multiple over-the-counter supplements marketed for male sexual performance were recalled in recent years because they were laced with prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction.

Are most drug recalls high-risk?

Fewer than one in 10 poses a serious health risk. The FDA grades risk severity for recalls as follows:

  • Class I is dangerous and poses a serious health risk (a hand sanitizer contaminated with methanol)
  • Class II might cause a temporary or slight risk of serious harm (a diabetes medicine stored at the wrong temperature)
  • Class III is unlikely to cause any harm to health, but there is a violation of FDA requirements (an ointment for dermatitis in damaged tubes).

Between 80% and 90% of drug recalls are Class II.

In 2022, 6% of recalls were Class 1, 86% were Class II, and 7% were Class III.

How do drug recalls happen?

The FDA inspects drug manufacturing facilities every two to three years. The agency also tests thousands of drugs each year.

Problems spotted during inspections, concerns identified by drug makers, or problems reported by patients or health care professionals can prompt a recall. The FDA then assigns a risk classification, supervises actions taken by the drug maker to remedy the problem, and monitors the product to make sure the problem is eliminated.

Drug recalls in the US are almost always voluntary. That means the drug maker acknowledges the problem and takes corrective action rather than waiting for a possible mandate from the FDA.

How can you stay informed about medicines you use?

Here are some practical measures to take:

  • Sign up to receive texts or emails about recalls, market withdrawals, and safety alerts from the FDA.
  • When filling prescriptions, take a good look at your medicine. Pills should not be discolored or crumbling, or have an unusual odor. If your prescription hasn’t changed, a refill should look similar to what you’ve taken in the past. If you suspect a problem, contact your pharmacist or the health care professional who prescribed it. And if you do confirm a problem, you can report it to the FDA.
  • If you learn of a recall for a drug you take, check the lot number on the package to see if your medication is affected. If the risk is classified as high (Class I), contact your doctor right away for advice. For many recalled drugs, there are safe and effective alternatives.
  • A recall notice will tell you if the medicine can be replaced or if you can be reimbursed. If you are instructed to dispose of medication, do so safely.

Another way to limit your potential exposure to recalled drugs is to take fewer drugs. Review your medication list with your doctor regularly and take only what you truly need.

The bottom line

News on drug recalls may not inspire confidence. It might make you wonder if the drugs you take are safe. In general, yes: the vast majority of medicines on the market have an excellent safety profile. But with more than 1,000 drug recalls every year, there’s plenty of room for improvement by drug makers and good reason to encourage better regulation of the industry.

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling

About the Author

photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD


Curbing nearsightedness in children: Can outdoor time help?

Two children dressed in coats playing outdoors on a balance feature in a city playground with their mother watching

Turns out that when your mother told you to stop sitting near the TV or you might need glasses, she was onto something.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a growing problem worldwide. While a nearsighted child can see close objects clearly, more distant objects look blurry. Part of this growing problem, according to experts, is that children are spending too much time indoors looking at things close to them rather than going outside and looking at things that are far away.

What is nearsightedness?

Nearsightedness is very common, affecting about 5% of preschoolers, 9% of school-age children, and 30% of teens. But what worries experts is that over the last few decades its global prevalence has doubled — and during the pandemic, eye doctors have noticed an increase in myopia.

Nearsightedness happens when the eyeball is too large from front to back. Genes play a big role, but growing research shows that there are developmental factors. The stereotype of the nerd wearing glasses actually bears out; research shows that the more years one spends in school, the higher the risk of myopia. Studies also show, even more reliably, that spending time outdoors can decrease a child’s risk of developing myopia.

Why would outdoor time make a difference in nearsightedness?

While surprising, this actually makes some sense. As children grow and change, their lifestyles affect their bodies. A child who is undernourished, for example, may not grow as tall as they might have if they had better nourishment. A child who develops obesity during childhood is far more likely to have lifelong obesity. And the eyes of a child who is always looking at things close to him or her might adjust to this — and lose some ability to see far away.

Nearsightedness has real consequences. Not only can it cause problems with everyday tasks that require you to see more than a few feet away, such as school or driving, but people with myopia are at higher risk of blindness and retinal detachment. The problems can’t always be fixed with a pair of glasses.

What can parents do?

  • Make sure your child spends time outdoors regularly — every day, if possible. That’s the best way to be sure that they look at things far away. It’s also a great way to get them to be more active, get enough Vitamin D, and learn some important life skills.
  • Try to limit the amount of time your child spends close to a screen. These days, a lot of schoolwork is on screens, but children are also spending far too much of their playtime on devices rather than playing with toys, drawing, or other activities. Have some ground rules. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours of entertainment media a day, and has a great Family Media Plan to help families make this happen.
  • Have your child’s vision checked regularly. Most pediatricians do regular vision screening, but it is important to remember that basic screening can miss vision problems. It’s a good idea for your child to have a full vision examination from an ophthalmologist or an optometrist by kindergarten.
  • Call your pediatrician or child’s eye doctor if you notice signs of a possible vision problem, such as
    • sitting close to the television or holding devices close to the face
    • squinting or complaining of any difficulty seeing
    • not being able to identify objects far away (when you go for walks, play I Spy and point to some far-away things!)
    • avoiding or disliking activities that involve looking close, like doing puzzles or looking at books, which can be a sign of hyperopia (farsightedness)
    • tilting their head to look at things
    • covering or rubbing an eye
    • one eye that turns inward or outward.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s vision, talk to your pediatrician.

Follow me on Twitter @drClaire

About the Author

photo of Claire McCarthy, MD

Claire McCarthy, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Claire McCarthy, MD, is a primary care pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital, and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In addition to being a senior faculty editor for Harvard Health Publishing, Dr. McCarthy … See Full Bio View all posts by Claire McCarthy, MD